Pine Breeze Lab

Media analytics, entertainment marketing research and product placement statistics


At Pine Breeze Lab, through our dedicated database, we specialize in the detailed monitoring and tracking of product placements across movies and TV shows. Our comprehensive services are designed to offer brands and companies crucial insights into how their products are presented in various media. Here’s what we can do for you:

  1. Visual Brand Tracking
    • Screen Time and Visibility: We track the duration and frequency of each product appearance, capturing detailed timecodes and screenshots.
    • Prominence: We evaluate how prominently products are displayed, whether in the background, partially, or fully visible.
    • Integration Quality: We assess how products are integrated into the storyline, determining their role and impact within the plot.
    • Natural Fit: We analyze the natural integration of products into scenes, which influences viewer perception and can enhance or detract from brand image.
  2. Verbal Product Placement
    • Beyond visual tracking, we also monitor verbal brand mentions, analyzing the dialogue to determine the context and impact of product references.
  3. Own Product Placement Datasets
    • Our datasets are organized meticulously by brand, company, and product type.
  4. Historical Data and Trends
    • We provide insights into trends in product placement, studying historical data across genres and different types of media.
  5. Legal and Ethical Considerations
    • Compliance Tracking: We ensure all product placements meet legal requirements to mitigate risks and uphold brand integrity.
    • Ethical Impact Assessment: We evaluate the ethical implications of placements, especially in content viewed by vulnerable audiences.
  6. Customizable Reporting
    • Tailored to meet client-specific needs, our reports combine all tracked data and analyses.
  7. On request, we can offer the following services, currently in beta testing:

  8. Video Clips: Video product placement examples.
  9. Sentiment Analysis
    • Emotional Context: We track the emotional setting in which products are featured, assessing whether the context is positive, negative, or neutral.
    • Character Alignment: We analyze character interactions with products to ensure brand values are reflected through suitable character associations.
  10. Plot Integration
    • Our services include a thorough analysis of how products are woven into the plot, considering both their visual presence and verbal mentions.

Why Choose Pine Breeze Lab? Since 2015, Pine Breeze Lab has been a leader in the field of product placement analysis. Operating the detailed database, we are equipped to provide unparalleled insights into the nuances of product visibility and integration, helping brands leverage their presence in the entertainment industry effectively.